Fat Chorus
I'll use what we've looked at to create a chorusing effect. We make an array of oscillators slightly detuned from one another, mixed to keep them in mono.
{Mix(Saw.ar([440,443,437],0.1))}.scope //chorusing
//more complicated sound combining AM, FM, chorusing and time-variation from Line and XLine
Resonz.ar( //The Resonz filter has arguments input, freq, rq=bandwidth/centre frequency
Saw.ar([440,443,437] + SinOsc.ar(100,0,100)), //frequency modulated sawtooth wave with chorusing
XLine.kr(10000,10,10), //vary filter bandwidth over time
Line.kr(1,0.05, 10), //vary filter rq over time
mul: LFSaw.kr(Line.kr(3,17,3),0,0.5,0.5)*Line.kr(1,0,10) //AM
Sample playback rate modulation
modulation of sample playback by an oscillator.
Soundfiles will be explained properly in a future week, though see the PlayBuf and Buffer help files if you want to look ahead.
//run me first to load the soundfiles
b=Buffer.read(s,Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
//b.Buffer.read(s,"sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); //SC3.4 or earlier
//now me!
var modfreq, modindex, modulator;
modfreq= MouseX.kr(1,4400, 'exponential');
modulator= SinOsc.kr(modfreq,0,modfreq*modindex, 440);
PlayBuf.ar(1,b, BufRateScale.kr(b)* (modulator/440), 1, 0, 1)
Return to the bell
We are now in a position to return to the additive bell sound and add some modulation effects to make it a richer, more vibrant sound
I won't explain everything here right now, but it's the sort of thing that should become much clearer and decipherable as you gain SC experience.
//richer bell patch
var numpartials, spectrum, amplitudes, modfreqs1, modfreqs2, decaytimes;
spectrum = [0.5,1,1.19,1.56,2,2.51,2.66,3.01,4.1];
amplitudes= [0.25,1,0.8,0.5,0.9,0.4,0.3,0.6,0.1];
numpartials = spectrum.size;
modfreqs1 = Array.rand(numpartials, 1, 5.0); //vibrato rates from 1 to 5 Hz
modfreqs2 = Array.rand(numpartials, 0.1, 3.0); //tremolo rates from 0.1 to 3 Hz
decaytimes = Array.fill(numpartials,{|i| rrand(2.5,2.5+(5*(1.0-(i/numpartials))))}); //decay from 2.5 to 7.5 seconds, lower partials longer decay
Mix.fill(spectrum.size, {arg i;
var amp, freq;
freq= (spectrum[i]+(SinOsc.kr(modfreqs1[i],0,0.005)))*500;
amp= 0.1* Line.kr(1,0,decaytimes[i])*(SinOsc.ar(modfreqs2[i],0,0.1,0.9)* amplitudes[i]);
Pan2.ar(SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, amp),1.0.rand2)});