Interaction via Mouse and Keyboard
Let's return to the localhost Server now:
Using the mouse as a controller is a quick and easy way of interacting with a patch, rightscreenval, warp, lag), bottomscreenval, warp, lag)
warp can be \linear or \exponential
lag is a smoothing factor to avoid sudden jumps in value if you move the mouse really quickly across the screen
Compare these hearing tests (be careful, they're piercing)
{,20000, 'linear'),0,0.1)}.play
{,20000, 'exponential'),0,0.1)}.play
The exponential mapping is far more comforting as a proportion of screen space than the linear one!
Since it crops up a lot in SuperCollider, let's illustrate linear and exponential mappings as mathematical functions.
100 points are plotted (try (0..99) in isolation if you're not sure what that part of the code does). The original points have been remapped, first with a linear mapping (via linlin, transforming a linear input range to a linear output range) and secondly via an exponential (via linexp for linear to exponential)
We'll see more of this with GUIs in the use of ControlSpec objects. By the way, there are also UGen equivalents for these language side mapping functions:
linlin language side = LinLin server side
linexp language side = LinExp server side
(You'll also see shortcuts used on UGens like: range (for linear) and exprange (for linear to exponential), and there are explin and expexp too)
For those curious, the mappings as mathematics are:
//to convert number input x in range [a, b] to output y in [c,d]
y = ((x-a)/(b-a))*(d-c) + c //linear
y = c*((d/c)**((x-a)/(b-a))) //exponential (power operator is **) note that c can't be zero
If you'd like to restrict a controller to a discrete range, you can use the Index UGen, indexing signal)
//the indexing signal is clipped to keep it in range; it points to an array of data in the first input. Note that an array can't be used directly in this slot (because it would confuse multi-channel expansion) so a Buffer of data is used via the LocalBuf UGen
//there are three distinct states
var vals;
vals= [100,200,300]; //change me and the code should adapt
{,, vals.size-0.001)))*0.2}.play
var vals;
var numharm,basefreq;
numharm=11; //number of harmonics
basefreq=66; //base frequency of series
vals= basefreq*(Array.series(numharm,1,1));
The Mouse might also be used as a trigger
var trig,mx;,1.0);
trig= mx>0.5; //this is a UGen which compares mx to the constant signal 0.5 at krate,0,0.1*trig)
( //trigger in a given region
var trig,mx,my;,1.0);,1.0);
trig= if((mx>0.3) * (mx<0.5) * (my>0.3) * (my<0.7),1,0);
//if is a UGen here, * is equivalent to logical AND,0,0.1*trig)
To show a more involved example of the principle, here's one of my favourite
SuperCollider example patches (by James McCartney):
// strummable guitar
// use mouse to strum strings
var pitch, mousex, out;
pitch = [ 52, 57, 62, 67, 71, 76 ]; // e a d g b e
mousex =;
out = Mix.fill(pitch.size, { arg i;
var trigger, pluck, period, string;
// place trigger points from 0.25 to 0.75
trigger = > (0.25 + (i * 0.1))).abs;
pluck =, 0.05));
period =;
string =, period, period, 4);, i * 0.2 - 0.5);
});, 12000);;
There is also a MouseButton UGen that can be used as a trigger (it usually works better to use GUIs here, see the next tutorial)
//first argument to MouseButton is the off value, second on on, when pressed button
{, 440), 0, 0.1) }.play;
You can also use the keyboard to trigger things.
//key code 0 = 'a' key
{, 0,, 0, 0.1)) }.play; //Server-side
On the language side, this is usually done with GUIs which respond to certain keys, to trigger action functions (also known in computer science as callbacks, a function that gets called when a certain action is taken by the user or system). The view that responds to the key must be in focus (see the GUI tutorial).
For SC3.5 or earlier with the Document class, you can work by setting action functions in the text documents themselves. Here is an example of a callback from the Document as you type:
var doc;
doc = Document.current; //this text window you're reading from!
doc.keyDownAction_({arg ...args;
//turn this off
[Document] //the Document help file has other examples of this