//Some effects examples

//use the internal server with the scope


Server.default= s=Server.internal; 



//make some source sound recipe


SynthDef(\impulse, {



SynthDef(\continuous, {




//we'll need to be careful with execution order here, since the effects unit SynthDefs will be separate to the sound sources. See the previous Nodes file. 

a = Group.basicNew(s,1); //get Group 1

x = Synth.head(a, \impulse);




SynthDef(\fxexampledelay, {arg delaytime=0.1;

var input, effect; 

input=In.ar(0,2); //get two channels of input starting (and ending) on bus 0

effect= DelayN.ar(input, 1,delaytime); //max delay of one second

Out.ar(0,effect); //adds to bus 0 




x = Synth.head(a, \impulse);

y= Synth.tail(a, \fxexampledelay);


y= Synth.tail(a, \fxexampledelay, [\delaytime, 0.4]);


//other UGens to explore:

DelayN, DelayL, DelayC, Delay1, Tap, MultiTap




var source; 

var fx; 

source= Saw.ar(440,0.1);

fx= DelayC.ar(source, 0.01, SinOsc.ar(Rand(5,10),0,0.0025,0.0075));







var source; 

var fx; 

var n=10;

source= EnvGen.ar(Env([0,1,0],[0.1,0.5]),Impulse.kr(2))*Saw.ar(440,0.5);

fx= Mix.fill(n, {

var maxdelaytime= rrand(0.01,0.03);

var half= maxdelaytime*0.5;

var quarter= maxdelaytime*0.25; 


DelayC.ar(source, maxdelaytime, LFNoise1.kr(Rand(5,10),0.01,0.02) )







SynthDef(\fxexamplereverb, {arg delaytime=0.01, decaytime=1;

var input; 

var numc,numa,temp;

input=In.ar(0,2); //get two channels of input starting (and ending) on bus 0

numc = 4; // number of comb delays

numa = 6; // number of allpass delays

// reverb predelay time :

temp = DelayN.ar(input, 0.048,0.048);

temp=Mix.fill(numc,{CombL.ar(temp,0.1,rrand(0.01, 0.1),5)});

// chain of 4 allpass delays on each of two channels (8 total) :

numa.do({ temp = AllpassN.ar(temp, 0.051, [rrand(0.01, 0.05),rrand(0.01, 0.05)], 1) });

// add original sound to reverb and play it :




y= Synth.tail(a, \fxexamplereverb);


//readymade Reverbs in SC3.2 and later




//If you build your own reverbs, useful UGens are: 

CombN, CombL, CombC

AllpassN, AllpassL, AllpassC

//and the delay reverbs above for early reflections

//simple feedback example, using the LocalIn and LocalOut UGens



var source = Impulse.ar(MouseX.kr(1,10));

var sound, feedback;

feedback = LocalIn.ar(1); //one channel of feedback

sound = source + feedback; 

LocalOut.ar(sound* MouseY.kr(0,0.9));  //feedback sound with some gain (<1 to stop feedback building up and overloading!). 




//can take on pitch at reciprocal of control period, which is the default delay time for feedback. You can add further delay via Delay UGens for the feedback signal. 


//Phasing and Flanging

//phasing = play a signal back in combination with a phase shifted copy of itself (using an allpass filter); vary the delaytime under 20 msec


SynthDef(\fxexamplephasing, {arg freq=0.2;

var input, effect; 

input=In.ar(0,2); //get two channels of input starting (and ending) on bus 0

effect= AllpassN.ar(input,0.02,SinOsc.kr(freq,0,0.01,0.01)); //max delay of 20msec

Out.ar(0,effect); //adds to bus 0 where original signal is already playing




x= Synth.head(a, \continuous);

y= Synth.tail(a, \fxexamplephasing);

y.set(\freq, 0.1)

y.set(\freq, 1)


//flanging= play a signal back in combination with a delayed copy of itself; vary the delaytime around 10 msec

//flanging usually also involves some feedback, achieved here using LocalIn and LocalOut


SynthDef(\fxexampleflanging, {arg flangefreq=0.1, fdback=0.1;

var input, effect; 

input=In.ar(0,2); //get two channels of input starting (and ending) on bus 0

input= input+ LocalIn.ar(2); //add some feedback

effect= DelayN.ar(input,0.02,SinOsc.kr(flangefreq,0,0.005,0.005)); //max delay of 20msec


//LocalOut.ar(fdback*BPF.ar(effect,MouseX.kr(1000,10000),0.1)); //alternative with filter in the feedback loop

Out.ar(0,effect); //adds to bus 0 where original signal is already playing




x= Synth.head(a, \continuous);

y= Synth.tail(a, \fxexampleflanging);


y.set(\fdback, 0.95);


//Dynamics Processing


//compress or expand the dynamic range (amplitude variation) of a signal


SynthDef(\fxexamplecompression, {arg gain=1.5, threshold=0.5;

var input, effect; 

input=In.ar(0,2); //get two channels of input starting (and ending) on bus 0

effect= CompanderD.ar(gain*input,threshold,1,0.5); 

ReplaceOut.ar(0,effect); //replaces bus 0 where original signal is already playing




x= Synth.head(a, \impulse);

y= Synth.tail(a, \fxexamplecompression);


y= Synth.tail(a, \fxexamplecompression,[\gain,2, \threshold,0.1]);


//a limiter forces an absolute limit, and is very useful as a final stage in a patch to avoid overloading 


SynthDef(\fxexamplelimiter, {arg gain=1;

var input, effect; 

input=In.ar(0,2); //get two channels of input starting (and ending) on bus 0

effect= Limiter.ar(gain*input,0.99, 0.01); 

ReplaceOut.ar(0,effect); //replaces bus 0 where original signal is already playing




x= Synth.head(a, \impulse);

y= Synth.tail(a, \fxexamplelimiter);

y.set(\gain, 10) //careful with your ears! 


Compander, Normalizer, Limiter


Adding new components into a signal to make it richer; modulation side effects are examples of these. 

//use a unary or binary operation (see the top of the AbstractFunctions or bottom of the Signal help files for some more)



{SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.5).cubed}.play //squared would put it an octave up; recall ring modulation and C+M, C-M



{SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.1).round(2**(-7))}.scope //bit reduction to 7 bit signal

{Latch.ar(SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.1),Impulse.ar(MouseX.kr(100,20000)))}.scope //sr change; Latch allows crude resampling with aliasing (sample and hold signal values at assigned rate)

//pass through Shaper for waveshaping; each input value has an assigned output value in a lookup table

b = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1);

// arbitrary transfer function, create the data at 1/2 buffer size + 1

t = Signal.fill(513, { |i| i.linlin(0.0, 512.0, -1.0, 1.0) });

// linear function


// t.asWavetable will convert it to the official Wavetable format at twice the size

b.sendCollection(t.asWavetableNoWrap);  // may also use loadCollection here

// shaper has no effect because of the linear transfer function


{ var sig = Shaper.ar(b, SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.4));

sig ! 2



// now for a twist


a = Signal.fill(256, { |i| 

var t = i/255.0;  

t + (0.1 * (max(t, 0.1) - 0.1) * sin(2pi * t * 80 + sin(2pi * 25.6 * t)))




d = (a.copy.reverse.neg) ++(Signal[0])++ a;


d.size //must be buffer size/2 + 1, so 513 is fine

b.sendCollection(d.asWavetableNoWrap);  // may also use loadCollection here

b.plot // wavetable format! 

// test shaper





SinOsc.ar(440, 0.5, Line.kr(0,0.9,6))




Shaper can also be used to deliberately distort a sine in a controlled manner, as a synthesis method. 


Further examples of various effects, from distortion to delay effects, are in 
