Programming Exercises
The exercises in this file are intended to test your SC programming:
a) Make a function with argument n which returns an array of n random numbers between 1.0 and 10.0. The numbers must have been sorted into decreasing order (hint: try [1,4,3].sort)
b) Imagine you have to generate a rhythm for one 4/4 bar (i.e. 4 beats). Write a short program which selects random successive numbers from [1.0, 0.5, 0.25] to fill up one bar's worth of beats. How do you deal with going past the end of the bar? (hint: what does .choose do on an array?)
c) Rewrite the following code as a series of nested ifs
i.e. if(condition1, {}, {if (condition2, etc.)})
var z;
z = 4.rand;
switch (z,
0, { \outcome1 },
1, { \outcome2 },
2, { \outcome3 },
3, { \outcome4 }
Now also rewrite it as a choice amongst elements of an array.
d) Compare each of these lines by running them one at a time:
Write a program which plots ten outputs from any one of these lines in a row. Advanced: actually allow user selection (via a variable for instance) of which line gets used to generate the ten random numbers.